
Thursday, May 31, 2012

online  లో అక్షరబ్యాసం అందిస్తుంది  అచ్ఛ తెలుగు పాఠాలు  చిన్నారుల కోసం.

రాజీవ్ విద్యా మిషన్ (సర్వ శిక్షా అభియాన్), ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్ రేడియో పాఠాలు

మీ సలహాలు - సూచనలకు, సంప్రదించగలరు:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

indg (India Development Gateway): Central Government Jobs

indg (India Development Gateway): Central Government Jobs: Employment News   Updated on May 30, 2012 Central Government Jobs Indian Oil Application invited for the post of:  Drilling Engi...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

indg: Informative Social Networking Site

Here comes the question How can we say that "InDG (India Development Gateway), is inforamtive social networking portal"?

For that question our answer is:

InDG (India Development Gateway), is whole and sole an informative and knowledge sharing portal because it provides updated information. It works in the vision of helping for not only a rural people it tries to make utilize ind an every Indian hence indg makes available in multilingual and trying to provide all official languages of India means it do not want to miss any citizen of India. InDG's idea is each and every corner of India and each and every citizen in India should make useful InDG.

and at the same time  InDG making availability for user interaction. It provides discussion forum where the users can discuss as of their views.

So, InDG not only provides necessity and usable information and also it makes available for user interaction while you can explore InDG you people only can speak better than us.. because InDG meant for India and Indians Development.

Be follow indg updates @ and

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

indg with new look

Dear Readers,

indg (India Development Gateway), is now available in social networks (twitter, Youtube,etc.,) and soon it's going to be release in new look...

I am surely saying that the new look is going to impress every indg user. It's new structure, new format indg's new vision is comparatively better than the present version.

The new version is really deserved  for indg+.

With new technology HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Plone 4+, formatted the structure, every thing it's getting change.

The main aim for InDG "Empower Rural" but in the new version of InDG going to concentrate on "Empowering Rural and Urban Poor" definitely it's rocks in the web.

and again InDG concentrates @ Social networking site, here at this situation  I would like to share my view about InDG: ", is also a social networking site, where as view and vision is totally changed comparitively to the social networking sites what we have at today...this social networking site is a kind of informative social networking site."

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Dear Readers,

InDG (India Development Gateway) wishes you "Happy Mother's Day".

A memorable gift for your Mother...

Gifts, blah..blah...everything as usual.....

Then wasup!!!!!

Think about her Health Care because she is the person who takes care about our health though she is not a Doctor.....

Think to make her more innovative, because she is the first Guru for our Life...

Think about her Welfare, she only make us towards welfare....

what not..

all these type gifts (Health, Wealth, Innovation, Welfare) everything avails @

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Discuss about Discussion

InDG (India Development Gateway), buzzes!!!

It allows you to make an open discussion on variety of topics and issues which it makes you wealthier, healthier, knowledgeable.

You people can allow in discussion and whereas, Experts also can participate in your discussion and provides you the feasible solutions for your queries irrelevant to topic and  irrelevant  to language....

would you like to know about Agriculture, Jersey Cows and related news to Jersey Cows…..
about fisheries...
interest in interest(%)
want to know about Education facilities, laws, availability……
do you have any Health Issues…..
want to get any certificate forms, @ nline services…..
do you have any quires related to OBC, BC, SC, ST, Minority, Physically Challenged, any social Issues…..
want to about the Rural Energy , Solar Energy….
queries regarding Women, Child……


any query..any language....indg avails you!!!

be in touch with  indg to get more updates related to AgricultureHealthPrimary EducationSocial WelfareE-GovernanceRural Energy, Women Welfare, Solar Energy, Fisheries, Livelihood, Microfinance

InDG (India Development Gateway), providing knowledge/information on the areas like Agriculture, Health, Primary Education, Social Welfare, E-Governance, Rural Energy, Women Welfare, Solar Energy, Fisheries, Livelihood and till now it avails in English, Assamese, BengaliGujarati, HindiKannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and it provides the services Dynamic Market Information(DMI)e- Vyapar, VLE Corner, ReCaller,  Employment News, Online Quiz, Ask an Expert, Discussion Forum.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Female Infanticide

Dear Readers,

I hope most of us watched "Satyameva Jayatee" hosting by AmirKhan, at least you must aware about that program.. is n't it!!!

Of course right now, I am not going to discuss about that program but I am, about that topic....

InDG (India Development Gateway) provides detailed information about Female Infanticide in the above specified languages and it makes you available on the concepts like Facts on Female Infanticide, Hidden danger, Causes, Steps initiated by government, Related Resources on "Female Infanticide (कन्या भ्रूण हत्या, பெண் சிசுக்கொலை, స్త్రీ భ్రూణ హత్య, સ્ત્રી ભૃણહત્યા, स्त्रीभ्रूण हत्‍याಹೆಣ್ಣುಶಿಶುವಿನ ಹತ್ಯೆ, মেয়েশিশু হত্যা, কন্যা শিশু হত্যা)".

"Just think about the society with out WO(MAN)!!!! Every one should have same living status." 

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IT (Information Technology) policy

Dear Readers,

Does you have any idea about IT Companies Policies, ACT's....
Thinking to set up a IT Firm......
Want to know about the Policies, ACT's available about IT Sector....

for all these questions we are providing an answer.....according to Sate Wise....

We are providing an information all over India, each individual State and Union Territory.....

Dream for IT based firm and Build the firms with specified policies

IT Policy of States and Union Territory

Monday, May 7, 2012

We are Back

InDG (India Development Gateway), is keep on continuing  with endless efforts but InDG forgets to maintain blog regularly, but now on wards it's also keep on updated with endless efforts as well as InDG.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

"With out Men there is no Women but with out Women there is no support for Men and if the Women is Healthy, Efficient, Sufficient then the society is also the same."


Dear Readers,

India Development Gateway (InDG) makes available about the Women Empowerment.
 in the fields of:
1. Adolescent Health
2. Pregnancy Health
3. Reproductive Health
Under this Concepts what are measurements have to be taken....can make it available in under the concept Health---Women Health and it also avails in your respective local language.

Women and Child Development:

Under this concept indg make available all type of information

The schemes, policies, ACTs, National Institutes, PSU's, Statutory Bodies etc., are providing in your respective local  language (Indian languages) to make understand and use all the fruitful things to make sufficient and efficient women for Indian society and at the same time it makes awareness to the concepts listing in below:

Women are intrinsically part of the process of rural energy requirements, as they are engaged in provision of vital amenities, such as safe and sufficient water for domestic needs, fodder for cattle, farming activities and so forth.. Women and energy have a strong relationship, for they are the ones who work more to source it and utilise it.

Drudgery is involved even in meeting the basic energy requirements, as women and children need to work hard in collection of firewood. In cases where there is limited availability of fuel wood, the food habits of the family changes which in turn affects its nutritional requirements. Women spend up to six hours a day in household chores while the young children stay with them. Inefficient use of biomass in the traditional stoves coupled with insufficient ventilation causes severe health hazards, and most of it affects women, and female children.
Is there a way out…….
Use of energy efficient smokeless chulhas and use of cleaner fuels such as solar and biogas are potential solutions which are presently scaling up.
Policy support...

To need more details, please visit

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Do read and provide your valuable suggestions to reach the vision of InDG's "Empower Rural"
and make InDG to strive for provide more, valuable and sufficient data "to the people, for the people and by the people".